Hack Ped Dex

  1. Hack Ped Dex Apk
  2. Hack Ped Dex 2020
  3. Hack Ped Dex Roblox

On March 8, 2021, the DODO DEX experienced a smart contract hack. The attackers were able to steal approximately $3.8 million in cryptocurrency from several of DODO’s crowdfunding pools. Of this, approximately $3.1 million of the stolen assets has since been returned.

The Initial Attack

If all went well, DeX is now outputting in WQHD, upscaled to your desired resolution. You can verify this in the DeX settings dialog (do not change this setting while running this hack). When you're done with DeX, you must follow part B! Failure to do so will cause a hard reset next time you plug in the phone again and switch to DeX mode. Today I show you how to get dev skins using dark dex in arsenal. If you liked the video make sure to subscribe for more awesome exploits!Credits: https://www.

The attack against the DODO V2 Crowdpooling smart contract took advantage of a flaw in the init() function of the contract. This flaw allowed the function to be called multiple times with different parameters.


The attacker took advantage of this flaw via a 4-step attack:

  1. The attacker created a counterfeit token and called the init() function of the vulnerable smart contract
  2. Using the sync() function of the contract, the attacker set the “reserve” variable of the contract to 0, setting it has having a zero token balance
  3. The attacker calls init() again but points it to a real token from one of DODO’s pools
  4. Using a flash loan, the attacker extracts the real tokens from the pools

With this process, the attacker is able to bypass the liquidity checks used for verifying flash loans. As a result, they are able to drain liquidity from DODO’s pools.

In Come the Bots

The DODO smart contract exploit is especially interesting because DODO was not the only one “attacked”. The original DODO attacker was the victim of a frontrunning attack by cryptocurrency bots.

A frontrunning attack occurs when a blockchain user identifies a transaction that has been published to the network but not yet included in a block. By creating a transaction with a higher transaction fee, a frontrunner can cause their transaction to be processed and added to a block before the original transaction.

In this case, a cryptocurrency trading bot frontruns the original DODO attacker’s transactions, setting a very high transaction fee for their transactions. This enabled the bot to make its transactions ten minutes before the original attacker.

In the end, two cryptocurrency trading bots took advantage of the original attack to perform their own exploits against the vulnerable contract. The owners of both of these bots have agreed to return the stolen funds, totaling about $3.1 million. The remaining $700,000 was stolen by the original attacker, and $200,000 is frozen on exchanges.

Lessons Learned from the DODO Hack

The DODO hack exploited a simple smart contract vulnerability. Some key lessons learned from the attack include:

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  • Access control bugs are a major issue. The init() vulnerability exploited in this attack has been around for years and is the cause of several high-profile hacks. Implementing proper access control (and managing init function calls) is essential for smart contract security.

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  • Frontrunning attacks can hurt anyone. Normally, frontrunning is considered an attack because it steals value from legitimate transactions. In this case, trading bots frontrunning the attacker may have reduced the impact of the attack by draining value from pools before the attacker could and returning it later.

A high-quality security audit is essential for preventing these types of attacks. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about Halborn’s security auditing services.


Hack Ped Dex

Hack Ped Dex 2020

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Hack Ped Dex Roblox

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        1. Copier le sur votre PS3 et lancer l’installeur du pkg


  • Added rockstar message protection
  • Added 5 more columns to skin changer to fit more models on screen
  • Added stop animation to Player to player options
  • Added name next to message spoofer so you can see who its spoofed to
  • Added Exploit Protection to Remote Options protection
  • Added text ‘IP Details Disabled’ when IP is turned off
  • Added back vehicle extra to mod shop options
  • Added reset/fix stats to client stats options
  • Added redirect text protection to the language file so users can modify it
  • Added an option to delete previous map mod into spooner settings
  • Added fire protection into explosion protection
  • Added no targeting (Other Player can’t aim at you)
  • Added option to remove funny vehicle and map mod into spooner options->manage entities database->removal->delete map mod
  • Added menu globe setting to semjasesConfig.ini
  • Added alien rune setting to semjasesConfig.ini
  • Added tracker to player to semjasesConfig.ini
  • Added a NEW disconnect kick into kick option
  • Added show modders to Display info option
  • Added show offradar players to Display info option
  • Added auto regen health to semjasesConfig.ini
  • Added rainbow vehicle to semjasesConfig.ini
  • Added no clip to semjasesConfig.ini
  • Added Elite Bunker protection (Only use this in modder wars)
  • Added back auto kick modders. It will NOT kick friends, crew mates and/or team mates. (might remove again if too many false positives)
  • Bugfix- fixed issue when getting host kicked in private sessions it would not tell you the host name
  • Bugfix- fixed option not working -> Delete all spawned vehicles in spawn settings
  • Bugfix- fixed issue with City, State and ISP text overlapping with the menu text
  • Bugfix- fixed issue with FPS protection freezing
  • Bugfix- fixed issue with clone protection not executing
  • Possibly fixed freezing issue with drop kick
  • Possibly fixed teleporting players being in the stuck animation
  • Changed Teleport to Coral Reef to the furthest north island
  • Changed no clip binds to L3 + Square
  • Fixed some spelling issues
  • Updated language file
  • Increased character limit when using custom text in messaging options
  • Moved Display Info text next to the mini map as requested by users
  • moved delete all spawned vehicles into spooner sub menu
  • Moved delete previous funny vehicle option to Spooner Options->Settings
  • Moved removal entity database into spooner options
  • improved semjasesConfig.ini, it is now more organized
  • Improved magnet gun
  • Improved handling for flying vehicle
  • Improved Images load faster when first opening the menu
  • Improved Left and Right scrolling on holding for better accuracy
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements
  • Reorganized all network players options
  • Temperatures in display info will now only display if you have the temperature enabled
  • Removed attachments options for all player because it caused users to freeze when using big xml’s files (too many objects)
  • Removed rainbow traffic from world options
  • Removed vehicle list.xml
  • Removed ped list.xml (only 100 available to choose from now)
  • Removed sonic run from semjasesConfig.ini
  • Removed nitrous from semjasesConfig.ini

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