The Brotherhood Of Old Skyrim

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  5. The Brotherhood Of Old Skyrim Walkthrough
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  1. Dark Brotherhood. An autonomous secret society comprised of skilled assassins, the Dark Brotherhood is a shadow of its former self. They no longer follow the traditions of old and instead carve.
  2. The Brotherhood of Old is a mod that attempts to make the Dark Brotherhood questline a little more fleshed out. It adds tons of unique characters, quests and several hours of additional play-time. It sounded perfect for me and the reviews were good, so I downloaded it.
Olava the Feeble
Home CityWhiterun
HouseOlava the Feeble's House
Other Information
MoralityNo CrimeAggressionUnaggressive
Faction(s)CrimeFactionWhiterun; TownWhiterunFaction; Whiterun Olava the Feeble's House Faction

The Brotherhood Of Old Skyrim Le

I'm doing another playthrough of Skyrim (admittedly my first SSE playthrough) and after completing the main DB questline, I was curious as to what people think about the Brotherhood of Old mod. I've heard some people really like it while others have went after it for either being, amateurish or poorly written etc.

Olava the Feeble

Olava the Feeble is an elderlycitizen and a seer who lives in her house behind Breezehome in Whiterun's Plains District. She has a dark secret and will provide you with a very special reading, pointing you to an assassin of old.

Nemesis vst. Olava gets out of bed every morning at 6am and immediately heads up to the Bannered Mare for a three-hour breakfast. At 9am she heads back to her house and sits down on the porch where she relaxes for ten hours. At 7pm she enters the house where she strolls around until her bedtime at midnight.

She wears a belted tunic, a pair of boots, and a hat. She is equipped with an iron dagger, and carries a key to her house, as well as a selection of lower-class items and gold.


Should you approach her, Olava will be quick to reveal her powers to you: 'Maybe some other time I'll reveal your destiny, hmm? Tea leaves, palm reading, crystal scrying.. Oooh! Maybe trepanning? Ha ha ha ha.' and 'Come to Olava for a reading, did you? World lit only by fire audi book. Sorry, pup, but I'm not quite in the mood.' Thinking that you may not believe her, she will then assure you that she can see into the future: 'Oh, I tell the future, all right. When I feel up to the task, that is. But I'm afraid my energies haven't quite peaked yet today.'

Skyrim the brotherhood of old forgotten memory

When giving you the Dark Brotherhood quest Breaching Security, Gabriella will promise you Olava's Token as a bonus, saying 'Do that, and Astrid has authorized me to grant you a rather unique bonus. It is a special token, to be given to Olava the Feeble, in Whiterun. Olava is an old and dear friend, and a powerful seer. The token entitles you to a reading of your future. It's an opportunity one should not pass up.' Talking to Olava when you have her token will have her say: 'Token, you say? Let me see. Oh, goodness me. You're a friend of Gabriella's, then. Well, I guess we both know why you're here.' If you ask her for a reading, she will respond: 'Hmph. Yes. Yes, I surely can. It's not something I do lightly, mind you, and it's not as specific as you might want. But yes. I will do this for you. Please, relax. Free your mind. Yes, that's it..' She will then look into the future and share it with you: 'There's a cave. No, not a cave. A.. home? A place you feel secure. You will find safety there.. sanctuary. I see snow, lit by the star of dawn. And you are not alone. There are others. A child of night.. a stalker of the sands? Oh, but before you are family, there will be blood. Such blood. Wait! There's something else.. A potential for adventure, and wealth. It is a ruin, ripe for the plunder. Deepwood Redoubt. Far to the northwest.. Through there is.. Hag's End. The last resting place of an assassin of old. A Dark Brother, who bequeaths his ancient earthly possessions.. to you.' She will then stop, and you can encourage her to tell you more: 'No.. no, that is all. Now.. now please. I find myself very weary all of sudden.' The quest Locate the Assassin of Old will then initiate. If you approach her again, she will say: 'By Sithis, but you are a persistent one. Haven't I told you enough?', implying some very strong, but unexplained, ties with the Dark Brotherhood.

Related Quests[edit]

The Brotherhood Of Old Skyrim

  • Locate the Assassin of Old‎: Find the Dark Brotherhood Assassin.
  • Note: This NPC is one of many potential quest givers or quest targets for one or more of the radiant quests found on this page.


  • The future she reveals hints at an event that occurs in the Dark Brotherhood. If that event has already occurred, she will instead say: 'Your destiny is dark. Oh yes, so dark. But much of it has been fulfilled. You have found sanctuary, and the comforting words of a mother's love. And you have companionship. A child of night, and a stalker of the sands. Together, you are a family.', before starting the quest.
  • According to an unused line of dialogue in game data, Olava was able to give you a reading for 5 gold, saying: 'Oh, very well. But my energies are low. I warn you - I won't be able to see much. Give me.. five gold, and I'll do what I can.' However, it is not possible to get a reading this way, so her farewells are unused as well: 'May all your possible futures be bright.' and 'Please, leave me to recover my.. mental energies.'
  • According to the Smugglers' Note, Olava is apparently in league with the Khajiittrade caravans, and her status as seer is being used as a cover of some kind.


  • On Tirdas and Turdas, Olava was supposed to listen to the ramblings of Heimskr between 3pm and 7pm. However, her bench package always takes precedence.
    • This bug is fixed by version 1.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
  • In Breaching Security, Olava's Token is required to receive a fortune reading from her. However, it is not a true quest item and may have been discarded or sold by accident.
    • This bug is fixed by version 1.4 of the Official Skyrim Patch.
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The Brotherhood Of Old Skyrim Se

The Brotherhood of Old

Returning the Dark Brotherhood to it's former glory
The Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim is pathetic, let's face it. It's nothing but a shadow of it's former self. Sithis worship has fallen on def ears, and the Five Tenets are all but a memory. That is where this comes in. The Brotherhood of Old seeks to restore the Dark Brotherhood to it's former glory by reinstating the Tenets, and bringing order back to the once great guild of assassins.

The brotherhood of old skyrim walkthrough

Synopsis: (SPOILERS, beware.)
Astrid is dead, and her band of Sithis defying heathens have went along with her. A new, but old, sanctuary has been given life. The murder of Emperor Titus Mede II has put the Dark Brotherhood's name back on top of the fear spectrum. There is no better time to set things right.

Now that the Night Mother is safe and once again active, the Brotherhood is back in full force, but not without a few problems. There is but one Sanctuary left standing within all of Tamriel, and only a handful of Assassins at the Brotherhood's grasp. Surely things can not thrive under circumstances this dire. The people speak to the Night Mother more than ever before, but there are not enough resources at hand to fulfill their desires.
Sithis has had enough, and he has sent one of his most trusted and worthy assassins back to the realm of Tamriel to restore order. None-other than the legendary assassin, Lucien Lachance, for no other individual in history is more knowing of the proper workings of the Brotherhood. Through the power of the Void, Lachance has been reborn. Lucien's arrival at the Dawnstar Sanctuary means big things for the Brotherhood. Changes are nigh.


So as you can see, the Brotherhood of Old aims to open up new sanctuaries all over Skyrim, and add new blood to it's ranks.

Open Positions: Tomtom middle east maps free download.

Skyrim The Brotherhood Of Old Walkthrough

Level Designers
3D Modeler (with the ability to make weight painted and collisioned meshes.)
New Sanctuaries: 100% built. 40% cluttered. (Looking for level designers for cluttering.)
Scripting: 0% (Looking for scripters to implement 5 Tenets consequences; Wrath of Sithis, etc.)
Writing: 10% (Looking for writers to flesh out the story.)
Quests: 0% (Quests need to be written and then scripted.)
AI: 3% (Looking for help giving the NPCs proper AI.)

Custom Meshes and Textures: 10% (Looking for help weight painting clothing.)

The Brotherhood Of Old Skyrim

The Brotherhood Of Old Skyrim Walkthrough

This will be no easy task. So I am looking for people interested in helping with this project. I need people that are good with ideas. I have a synopsis planned out, but I need help fleshing out the details. If you are interested in helping, please post in this thread and send me a PM with an example of your work.

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