School Management Project Report Pdf


Our proposed project is a real time implementation of an inventory control system for an on-site corporate restaurant management and catering company. One such company is Guckenheimer ( which builds, staffs, and upkeeps corporate kitchens as well as provides catering services to corporate companies. 1 The six phases of project management 2 Managing a project 3 Project reporting 4 The sales representative and the politician 5 Waterfall versus cyclical project management 6 DANS software-development working methods 7 Programme management Appendices 1. Top 11 causes of delays in IT projects 2. Roles within a project 3. Helpful resources for. Project is an attempt to apply anthropology (1) to address a program‘s concern of: how a U.S. Microfinance program can reach out to immigrant entrepreneurs and business owners in need of financial assistance, and (2) how to help a U.S. Microfinance program.





School management system Project report

Raj international Academy, Lucknow (R. I. Academy)is a big school with student strength of over 1000. This number is increasingat a rapid pace with each passing day. The Management of the school isconcerned with the increasing effort in keeping the records of the students andrecording their activities. The school also keeps the information of itsemployees.

Equipped with a very good library of its own, theSchool Management thinks the manual system to handle the library activities isbadly chosen and is concerned with the overload on the librarian.

They payroll generation of the employees of the schoolis presently outsourced and the Agency which handles this job charges a heftysum for it services. With the increase in the number of employees in theschool, this cost is likely to grow further in future. The Management is veryseriously thinking of a system which would be capable of handling the payrollgeneration activities.

School Management System Project Report In Pdf Download

The management is also thinking of opening new branchesin other parts of the city. This will lead to an exponential growth in theproblems being faced by the school authorities.

With an eye on the future, the Senior Management of‘Rameshwaram International Academy’ has decided to shift to a computerizedSchool Management and Information System which may keep the records of itsstudents, employees, library and may also be able to generate the payroll.Besides, it may be able to efficiently handle the Student Evaluation track andstudent feedbacks. The facility to record examination activities, it’sscheduling, and result & mark sheet generation is a desirable feature inthe School Management and Information System.

Objective - School management system Project report

The‘The RealschuleeXp 2005’is designed to achieve the following objectives:

Online School Management System Project Report Pdf

I.Thesoftware should have a secure database to capture all the financial activities(fee, payroll, etc). Proper receipt and bill generation facilities should beincorporated in the software.

II.Thesoftware must have a user-friendly interface and appealing appearance to easethe work of the end users.

III.Thesoftware must be able to return the actual monetary status of the school, i.e.,it must be able to say how much money has been collected in the account of feesand how much is yet to be received from the students.

IV.Thenew system must be designed to allow the school to record the details of its employees’date of joining, full name, address, phone no., date of birth, etc.

Driving school management system project report pdf

V.Thesystem should be able to generate annual collection summary, employees’ report,etc. so that they could be used by the management authorities of the school formaking decisions and deciding guidelines.

VI.Thesoftware should also keep track of library activities of the school whichmainly comprises Book-Issue-Return task. Besides, it must also keep the recordsof library members and the books available in the library. It must also be ableto calculate Fine (if any) at the time the book is returned. A fine is usuallycalculated in case of delayed return of the book or any physical damage tobook.

VII.Thepayroll system should be an integral part of the new system and it mustgenerate salary statements (for specified period viz. Monthly, Annually, AndWeekly) of all the employees of the school.

VIII.Student evaluation bytheir Instructors and Teacher’s evaluation by the students is kept by most ofthe schools to keep monitoring the students’ behaviour and teachers’performance respectively. This facility must be incorporated in the new system.

Project Report On School Management System In C++ Pdf

IX.Theelectronic processing of all examination related activities is also required tobe achieved by the system.

X.Thesystem should be error resistant and must operate reliably.

XI.Securityis another feature which must be designed in the system in such a way that anyunauthorised access to the system is denied and a log of such activitygenerated.

XII.Thephotographs of students and employees should be kept in the database along withtheir general details. Therefore, there must be a ‘Digital Image Processing’module incorporated in the system to digitally process the photographs beforestoring them into the database. This is desirable because third party imageprocessing software are very costly and offer much beyond the needs of theschool.

XIII.The student and teacherattendance activities must also be captured by the new system so that theycould be analysed in future by school administration.

School Management System Project Report Pdf

Above all, the software system should be able toeliminate all the paper work required in implementing the task of datamaintenance, which previously was tedious, time consuming and error prone.

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