Pgnp Oledb Provider For Postgresql

PostgreSQL Native Provider (PGNP) is an OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL database. The provider is a thin layer between Microsoft ADO and PostgreSQL API exposed via libpq library. From PostgreSQL Global Development Group PostgreSQL Native Provider (PGNP) is an OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL database. The provider is a thin layer between Microsoft ADO and PostgreSQL API exposed via libpq library. It implements most of the OLEDB interfaces and uses libpq to access a PostgreSQL database. The provider features support for Linked Servers, replication, DTS, SSIS PostgreSQL Native OLEDB Provider (PGNP) 1.3.0 32/64-bit released! Posted on 2009-10-26 New version of OLEDB provider for PostgreSQL database includes following features and enhancements: Ability to work with multiple databases via single Linked Server connection. PostgreSQL Native Provider (PGNP) is an OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL database. The provider is a thin layer between Microsoft ADO and PostgreSQL API exposed via libpq library. It implements most of the OLEDB interfaces and uses libpq to access a PostgreSQL database. The provider can be used from 32-bit and 64-bit applications both native and.NET.

  1. Pgnp Oledb Provider For Postgresql Data
  2. Pgnp Oledb Provider For Postgresql Tutorial
  3. Pgnp Oledb Provider For Postgresql Download

I often receive questions such as “Does NBi work with PostgreSQL?” or “Is it possible to use another database than SQL Server?”. The answer is definitively: YES! NBi is working with all databases supporting OleDB or ODBC connections.

Yesterday, I edited a blog post for the connection to MySQL, today we’ll see how to connect to PostgreSQL from NBi by using both the ODBC and the OleDB connectors. At the opposite of MySQL, PostgreSQL has at least one ODBC driver and at least one OleDB provider still maintained (and even actively developed).


I’ll start by the ODBC driver for PostgreSQL. You can find the binaries on the official PostgreSQL website. Download them and install this driver. You can check that the ODBC driver has been correctly installed in the “Program and Features” panel:

Another great way to check that the ODBC drivers are installed is to user PowerShell and the cmdlet


This method returns the following list where you should find something related to PostgreSQL.

This method will also give you the exact name of the driver, something where my google-fu usually miserably fails. In this case I’ve two drivers named PostgreSQL ANSI(x64) and PostgreSQL Unicode(x64). Be sure to use these exact names in your connection strings!

When these connectors are successfully installed, edit your test-suite and define the connection string to your PostgreSQL server as:

That’s it!

For the OleDB provider, I’ll use the commercial version provided by Intellisoft and available on this page. This product comes with a free trial. Once downloaded and installed, you can check that it has correctly been registered by running the following PowerShell cmdlet:

and it should contain the following result:

Unfortunately, this method doesn’t return the nickname of the provider that we must use in our connection string. In this specific case, this name is PNGP.1.

Because this OleDB provider is not pre-registered by NBi, we need to map it to the OleDb namespace as explained in the documentation of NBi. The config file must be updated with:

Once it’s done, you can safely edit your connection string into your test-suite.

We could move this connection string to the settings (references or defaults) or to the config file.

You can now configure a connection to a PostgreSQL instance without any problem!

Friday, April 25. 2008

Setting up PostgreSQL as a Linked Server in Microsoft SQL Server 64-bit

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Pgnp Oledb Provider For Postgresql Data

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Pgnp Oledb Provider For Postgresql Tutorial

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